ACU-PET Veterinary Acupuncture and Rehabilitation Therapies offers the services of Dr. Esther Horton, an experienced small animal veterinarian (mainly dogs and cats) qualified in Veterinary Acupuncture, Trigger Point therapy, Pain management, Rehabilitation Therapies and other integrative therapies. Esther consults at Greencross Jindalee Veterinary Clinic in Mount Ommaney in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. This allows for the integration of Conventional and Alternative /Complementary Medicine and to provide the best results for the patient.
- Acupuncture, Laser Acupuncture, Moxa, Aqua-puncture, Electro-Acupuncture
- Trigger Point Therapy, TENS
- Myofascial Pain Therapy
- Post-surgical Rehabilitation
- Canine Athlete Rehabilitation and Advice
- Agility Dog Rehabilitation and Physical Therapies
- Physical Therapies
- Canine Sports Medicine
- Laser Therapy/ Cold Laser Therapy
- Pain Management Plans
- Palliative care
- Nutrition and Supplements Advice
- Chinese Massage/Tui Na
- Vaccination Advice
- Supportive Care for Elderly Animals and Cancer Patients
- Skin Disease Management
- and many others
Address: 111 Dandenong Rd
Jamboree Heights